Chweya Editorial Guidelines

Vincent Nyagaka teaches people how to day trade penny stocks to help them discover personal financial responsibility and live life on their own terms.

Our editorial team is driven by those same goals.

Our Mission

Deliver clear and concise trading education to create self-sufficient and successful traders.

Our Vision

A financial education industry and trading community that’s built on trust and transparency.

Editorial Team — About Us

The Chweya editorial team delivers content, trade ideas, lessons, and market insights from Vincent Nyagaka, and many of the successful traders who have gone through mentorship and become millionaires.

We strive to make the complex world of financial markets and day trading and break it down into easy-to-understand lessons and content for our readers to easily digest.

Our team delivers well-researched, timely, and accurate information to our readers through all our blog posts, newsletters, emails, and subscriptions.

Key Principles

  • We believe freedom through managing your own personal finances and understanding the market is possible for everyone. You don’t need a finance degree or diploma.
  • Our team believes in full transparency and we identify our outside sources of information and cite them in our copy where appropriate.
  • We deliver information on a wide variety of market terms and trading strategies so every trader has the opportunity to find their own unique trading style.
  • Our team is accepting and inclusive and we welcome everyone to engage with our content and join our communities.

How We Make Money

Timothy Sykes strives to bring transparency into the trading and financial industry. And our editorial team is committed to the same goals.

We make money through the sale of educational trading courses and products. And if we share an affiliate link to an outside source, we let you know with a disclaimer right in our copy.

If you see a factual error in any of our content, please report it to our team at [email protected] and we’ll correct it as soon as possible.